Health & Safety Week - 5 Ladder Safety Tips

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Health and safety week is finally here and we are getting involved. Starting today and ending on Friday, we will be sharing with you our ladder safety knowledge and tips. "The aim of Health and Safety Week 2015 is to inspire employers and employees to embrace health in the workplace".

5 Ladder Safety Tips

Ladder falls can happen for many reasons, for example; selecting the wrong equipment for the job, using a ladder incorrectly and not checking your equipment. Throughout the week we will brush up on all three of these, however today we will be started by sharing some general safety tips to help you avoid injury when working at height.

1. Do not overload the ladder - Whatever ladder you are using it is important that you check the duty and class rating. If you are using a ladder for industrial use you should be using a heavy-duty ladder. If the maximum load is 130kg you should not exceed this, also ensure that you have accounted for any tools you are using whilst on the ladder. 

2. Always keep 3 points of contact - When are using a ladder you must keep three points of contact at all times. When taking on some tasks it may seem difficult however there are accessories which can help you. The Utility Bucket for Werner ladders makes keeping 3 points of contact even easier and of course safer. 

3. Never Overreach - Reaching while on a ladder can make you easily lose balance and fall. If you cannot reach without stretching, move the ladder so you can reach comfortably.

4. Wear suitable footwear - As we have already mentioned in our previous article The safe use of kick steps and stepladders at work using ladders “Wearing 6" heels are probably not the best idea in the world". Either is wearing shoes with untied laces or sandals. When using ladders you should wear a flat, closed-toe shoe. Also, check your footwear for any contamination which may cause the ladder to become slippery. 

5. Ensure the user is competent - It is vital that the person using the ladder is competent of carrying out the task safely. 

For more information about how to decide if someone is competent to work at height don't forget to check back tomorrow for the second day of Health and Safety Week.

If you require any more information that we haven't yet covered or had any queries regarding products, safety, or anything to do with working at height, give our expert team a call on 01204 590232 or alternatively drop us an e-mail.