Case Study - Pasma Tower Training Course Agenda & Learning Points

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As a company who pride ourselves on being at the forefront of working at height safety, we ensure that our team are well versed in using the equipment that we provide to our customers. We are proud that our Managing Director Gail Hounslea is the Chair of the Ladder Association and all our staff have completed the user and inspector training, it’s things like this that we believe put us head and shoulders above the competition when it comes to our expertise.  

We recently sent two more of our staff members; Gareth, our Operations Director and Victoria, one of our customer service advisors on the PASMA tower users course to increase their tower knowledge further. We collated some comments in the form of a mini interview, regarding the course to give you a better insight into the course outline and what they learnt on the day.  

Pasma Training Photos - Victoria Climbing Tower

How Did you Find The Training?  

Gareth: Knowing the training from PASMA instructors for their Flagship course; Combined Low-Level Access and Towers for users is in high demand, it was great to secure a slot locally to undertake this training. The objectives of the training were clear, the course material was relevant and engaged me as a user and the flow of this was easy to follow. Being signposted to the relevant PASMA App with Tower guides on there was also useful.  

It was also helpful to carry out the practical element covering responsibilities, standards, pre and post checks, safety and hazards with delegates from other organizations so we could discuss best practice and challenges we faced when using and erecting Towers and Podiums. 

Victoria: I found the training overall to be really informative, the course agenda and the trainer was very knowledgeable and I picked up some really useful information regarding the safe building of towers which I can now confidently advise our customers on. The course was delivered well in a relaxed environment making it comfortable to ask questions throughout.  

Did you feel prepared for the training? 

Gareth: The information provided by the training department at Ladderstore and being signposted to information on the PASMA website prior to the training was clear and made me feel confident I was ready for the training course, along with understanding what to expect on the day and the relevant outcomes from this particular course. 

Victoria: Before the course I did already understand the principles of using towers, however having not used them practically, I did feel a little apprehensive about the training course. I was given a course outline so I had a general idea on how the day would be structured but wasn’t 100% sure what to expect. I can say when the course started I was put at ease by the trainer and other delegates.  

Pasma Training Photos - Victoria Building Tower

Was there anything you found challenging?

Gareth: As someone who is already competent in understanding the need for use of towers, I found the course was still delivered at a very acceptable level for entry level users, both on the theory and practical side while giving the delegates the right information in a clear format. 

Victoria: I found the most challenging part of the training course the practical exam. I found that the exam however being open book make this not only a little easier to complete but also make me understand the questions and answers in more detail.  

What was the main learning point of the day? 

Gareth: The two main learning points for myself from the course was the safe way to alter towers and inspect pre and post use, as well as identifying potential hazards. 

Victoria: The main learning point for me was being shown and taught how to build and use towers correctly and most importantly safety.  

Do you now feel more knowledgeable about towers?

Gareth: The course information and takeaway material along with the pre and post support provided by Ladderstore and PASMA has made me feel confident when answering questions on towers. Completing the course has given me extra confidence talking about safe tower use. 

Victoria: I am know more knowledgeable on the erection and safe use of towers. If I have any future queries I also know where to find the best resources to help.  

Do you feel confident in your abilities to use the equipment safely? 

Gareth: My confidence in the use of Towers and Podiums since completing this course has increased tremendously. Knowing I have the skills to carry our pre-checks, inspections and assembling the tower in a correct manner before use allows me to feel safe when carrying out work. 

Victoria: After completing the PASMA Course I now feel confident building a tower and advising our customers on any safety concerns they may have. I’ve got access to the resources from PASMA which really helps should I need further information 

Would you recommend this course? 

Gareth: I would recommend this course offered by Ladderstore. They have access to a team of highly skilled trainers through PASMA, and can offer UK-wide training. The skills and knowledge I have increased by undertaking this training and knowing it opens doors to jobs across a range of industries in and ever growing market is only a benefit for me. 

Victoria: I would recommend this course to anybody using towers on looking to increase their knowledge as a refresher course. I’m happy I have now completed the course and have a PASMA card, which is valid for 5 years.  

Further Information

For more informaiton on our training courses including PASMA and Ladder Association training you can browse our training categories. If you can't find the training you're looking for or need futher information before booking a slot please get in touch with our team be contacting us via email or calling 01204 590232. 

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