Businesses - Are You Tagging Your Ladders?

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Regular ladder inspections are a must when using ladders in the workplace and tagging each ladder can make inspections not only easier to track, but also gives a visual inspection to the user that the equipment has been inspected and is safe for use. This blog post gives you further information on the tagging system, why it’s important and how it’s used.  

What Is A Ladder Tag? 

A ladder tag is a visual label on a ladder that provides information on the last time the ladder has a full inspection by a competent person. Ladder tags, such as the Ladder Log Inspection System come in both tag and holder options, attached via a cable tie or as stickers should this be preferred. On each tag once inspected the inspector should time and date the inspection and also show when the next inspection is due. The ladder tag will also contain an asset number for the ladder that can be matched to the full inspection breakdown via the ladder inspection checklist paperwork.  

Do Ladders Need To Be Tagged? 

When working with ladders it is best practice to carry out regular inspections, and tagging your ladders helps with this. When a ladder tag is placed on equipment it gives additional piece of mind that regular maintenance and an inspection history has taken place. Should a ladder fail an inspection it should be placed in quarantine, however, should it make its way back into the business users can see a do not use sign is present.  

How Often Should I Tag & Inspect My Ladders? 

When it comes to ladder inspections, there are two types of inspection that is required. The first is a daily inspection called a pre-use check. This should be carried out by the user of the equipment daily to check for major defects which may compromise the safety of the ladder. More information on what to check during a pre-use check can be found on our blog; How to inspect and maintain your ladders 

More detailed and through inspections should take place every 3, 6 or 12 months dependent on frequency of use. During a full inspection you should check all areas of the ladder for cracks, dents, bends as well as wearing or missing parts. To help with ladder inspections you can download our free help guides; the Ladder Inspection Register, Ladder Inspection Checklist and Inspection Summary, once each ladder has been inspected ensure you had added the ladder tag to the ladder. If the inspection has failed be sure to note the next steps and turn round the ladder tag to show the do not use symbol. In some cases, ladders that fail inspections can be safety repaired. 

Who Can Tag & Inspect Ladders? - What Are The Requirements 

Ladder Inspections should be completed by competent individuals with the correct knowledge and experience to be able to confidently assess ladders and identify potentially dangerous faults or damages. Competency is something that is technically difficult to prove, for extra piece of mind when conducting ladder inspections, we recommend all persons responsible for inspecting ladders completes the Ladder Association Inspection Course.  

Can Ladder Inspections Be Completed In House?  

Ladder Inspections are completely fine to complete in house providing the correct knowledge and experience is in house to carry out inspections correctly. Completing inspections in house can also be beneficial when working in a business where ladders aren’t stored in one place, for example working with ladders on fleets. Should you want a starting point for inspection ladders the Ladder Log Business Packs are an ideal place to start. 

Should you wish to outsource your ladder inspections we can provide this service on your behalf. We will come to site, inspect and tag all the ladders within your business and complete a written report of our findings. We can also quote for replacement steps or spare parts if required. For a ladder inspection quote, don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

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