Ladderstore Supports North West Veterans Garage Project

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"If you don't ask, you don't get" - it's a simple statement but one that's very true. In the case of Ladderstore, that's how we ended up supporting local North West charity, Veterans Garage.

After a tweet from Claire at Veterans Garage to see whether we could help them out in any way, Ladderstore has donated a couple of work platforms to help with the construction of this exciting and fantastic new project to support military veterans in the North West.

Veterans’ Garage is a unique approach to providing support to Military Veterans across the North West to have a stable social hub, to learn new skills, and receive the support and advice that is available to them.

The aim is to build a hub for ex-servicemen and the local community to come together, creating a facility that can serve as a venue for unique events that can raise funds and awareness for local causes.

There is no better term for the world of Automotive enthusiasts than “community”. Traditionally automotive and aviation events have always brought people together, but the universal subject nature creates a diverse collection of people, of all ages, genders, races or religions that is unlike any other interest group. For a project that aims to support a variety of local demographics, this is an important consideration.

The users of the Veterans’ Garage facilities can be proud that all profits made at the site will positively impact all kinds of charities. Though initially, the focus will be on the ex-service group, once a level of self-sustainability has been achieved, our efforts can look outside of this - always operating in North-West England but supporting a range of causes. 

In response to our donation, Claire said "thank you so much for your help with our project. It's a massive help!"

We look forward to seeing the progress on the project in the next few months and will continue to support them with any working-at-height requirements. You can follow their progress on their website, on Twitter and on Facebook.

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